Thursday, November 14, 2013

My 6 Step Draft to Published Workflow

I've been sort of winging this whole indie self-publishing thing but I may have developed an easier workflow that I'd like to share with people. It's pretty simple and straight to the point, really, but being able to follow a list can make things run a little more smoothly. If you're doing all of this on your own, you basically have to be an Author, Designer, and Marketer. This is what I have so far, I may revise it but it seems to be working for me:

Yes, easy right? This step might be the absolute most important part of it all. If you're planning to get a book out, you NEED to prioritize this. Get as many words as you can per day, just spill it all out of that head of yours. Get it down, do it. Time's ticking.

2. Edit
Remember that word that you used over and over and over and over and over? Well, yeah, go fix that. Add some punctuations while you're at it! Maybe hand it over to a friend and see if they might be able to catch any mistakes. Pay an actual editor if you have the money. Just make sure people can read it without getting angry!

3. Compile
This can be a whole post on its own. Figure out the format (.epub, .mobi, .pdf, etc.) and compile it. I personally use Scrivener and it lets you select which format you want. If you're still uncertain about how to do this, just do a little research online and you'll definitely find very detailed tutorials!

4. Design Book Cover
"Don't judge a book by its cover," is what people tell you but in reality, the cover is what stands out! It's the first thing people will see and if it doesn't catch their eye, they'll just skip it. You may have the best book ever but if your cover looks like crap, people will never know! Put a lot of thought into your covers and try to look at other book cover designs within your chosen genre to get ideas on what's working. I suggest using Adobe Photoshop but if you can't afford it, there's free programs like Gimp or Paint (slightly joking, but do what you gotta do).

5. Publish
You got all of the hard stuff done, good for you! Now you need the world to be able to read your book in all its glory. There's a few places online where you can publish your book(s) like Amazon (KDP), Barnes & Nobles (Nookpress), Smashwords, and a bunch of others. Make sure your blurb attracts readers!

Done, right? NOPE. There's one more thing you have to do and you'll have to do it MULTIPLE times.

6. Market!
That's right, you have to sell your book. Just because it's available at stores doesn't mean it will sell! People need to know it's available, people need it in their faces that your amazing book is out there! Take advantage of all the Social Networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Tumblr, etc., and tell your friends, family, neighbors, email lists, ex boyfriends/girlfriends, everyone! Join online communities like forums, make videos, write blog posts, provide special offers. I know it may seem weird at first but how else will people know that your awesome book is available?! Be careful to not do it too often or people might think of you as spam -- just not as delicious.

That's basically it. I'm not going to lie, it's a lot of work but with this guide it should make things a lot simpler. Once you've finished everything, go celebrate! Good luck!

Have anymore tips? Share them!

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