Sunday, November 10, 2013

FREE BOOK & New Book & NaNoWriMo

Hey everyone! It's only the 10th of this month but it feels like so much has happened these past few days. As I said in my previous post, I joined National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and it's been a blast. If you've ever thought of writing a novel or just getting a lot of writing done, I HIGHLY suggest participating! There are lots of helpful people and the vibe of it all just makes you want to get a lot of writing done which is really helpful for someone who procrastinates!

I released the second book from the My Personal Trainer series called Heavy Weightlifting. As a bonus, I made the first book FREE! It will only be free today (November 10) so grab it while you still can! They're both short reads (a little over 3k) and for mature audiences only.

These are ebooks designed for Kindle but if you have an iPad or something, just download the free kindle app and it should work just fine.

I originally planned to create 30 different short stories for NaNoWriMo that are around 3k words, so basically one a day. But after the math, that would lead up to 90,000 words. For NaNoWriMo you only have to do at least 50,000. On top of that, I need to get 30 book covers created and think of 30 different plots as well so it's a lot more work than I expected (sad face). Of course, this doesn't mean I won't try! I've done pretty well so far so I'll be glad if I even get 20 done.

I should get back to writing now but I just want to say thanks to everyone who has supported me so far and good luck to all of you participants out there!

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